Cleaning Up Following a Crime

Cleaning is hard work, especially at crime scenes. There are businesses whose only job is to clean up the aftermath.

This setting is recognizable for those who have viewed Law & Order in the last two decades. A crime occurs. The police come to the scene to wade through blood and guts searching for evidence. Detectives magically appear at another location to begin building a case. But what occurs at the crime scene once the police are gone? A cleanup crew probably comes, but that's never included in TV shows.

No one watches a program to witness deep cleaning in action so it's obvious that we don't see it on prime time. There is another reason why crime scene cleanup isn't on your TV shows: the cops aren't responsible for cleanup; the victim's family must clean the scene. The thought of family cleaning up after a loved one's death is horrible. Luckily, there are businesses that specialize in crime scene cleaning companies la plata md.

This industry formed out of a need. No family should have to cleanup after a loved one's murder, suicide, or death. They specialize in making the area livable.

Here are some of the tools used to clean a crime scene:

  • Traditional cleaning supplies such as sponges and brushes
  • Long scrubbing brushes
  • Razor blades
  • Ozone machines to remove odors
  • Enzyme solvents to kill bacteria and liquefy blood
  • And more

The job isn't pretty, but someone has to do it while the victim's family copes with their loss.