I Required Assistance Brokering My Business

A couple decades ago I built a record shop in my town. I started it due to my my love for music and collecting records. I owned so many records I was almost forced to start selling them to share them with the public. Well, I decided to found a record shop. It was a lot of fun. But a couple years ago I decided I didn't want to do it any longer. I began for opportunities to sell. Actually doing it was very complicated.

I looked to hire a business broker to help me sort out the good offers from the bad. I Decided I didn't want to sell to a huge company. I wanted for whoever purchased it would keep the original, DIY aesthetic which I'd instilled in it. Thankfully, the home improvement franchise Atlanta GA respected my want and after five months we found a fantastic buyer.

However, I'm still a record collector so I visit my old record store to purchase records. I'm constantly looking for new arrivals, but regrettably my vinyl collection is growing. Maybe I'll be able to keep it under control this time around.